What is Third-Party Data Targeting for Digital Ads?
Ethic Advertising Agency uses data from top tier, third-party data providers who pull in massive amounts of information about people and then resell that information to advertisers and advertising agencies like us. Third-party data is collected through multiple sources, including: websites, surveys, studies, subscriptions, purchase history, and social media.
Our advertising agency can tap into six different third-party data providers in order to serve hyper-targeted ads to your customers based on tens of thousands of segments, which include information about peoples' interests, demographics, income, purchase intent, and more.
Once these segments have been selected, we can begin serving digital advertisements to your most desired target audience. What to learn more?
What About Privacy?
The third-party data that Ethic Advertising Agency uses to serve digital advertising provides absolutely no visibility into any personally identifiable information (not to us and not to our advertisers). In other words, the privacy of individuals is protected while still allowing our advertisers' messages to get in front of the right people at the right time.
For example, say we want to target women making a salary of $75k+, who have children, and who are likely in the market for a a Jeep Cherokee, we can collect an anonymous list of user devices that match this target audience, and serve them ads. Throughout this process, we are unable to see their names or personal contact information.