A well-established plumbing, heating, and cooling company was managing their own advertising and was struggling with dedicating the time and expertise to maximize its effectiveness. They were also not keeping up with technological advancements and using out dated advertising tactics. Also, they only care about serving the western side of the designated market area (DMA) they are apart of, and they were struggling to stay within an annual budget.
- Search Engine Marketing/Google Ads
- Creative (audio, video, and graphic design)
- Display Advertising
- Video Pre-roll
- Social Media Advertising and Content Development
- Print Advertising
- Television Advertising
- CRM/e-blasts
- Radio Advertising
- Website redesign and Search Engine Optimization
The client has a great reputation in their service area and is known as a long standing, family-run business. Ethic Advertising Agency strategically elevated their brand while optimizing the advertising they were already doing; removing items that were not working for them and introducing them to new and more advanced options. Ethic Advertising Agency created a brand that positioned the client as the hero that is defeating plumbing, heating, and cooling problems in the form of real villains.
The client said, “whatever you are doing is working!” For the first time in 30+ years, they never had a slow period where they were asking their staff to use their vacation days. The client had more time for other focuses, stayed within budget, and ended up going on vacation for an entire month!